Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I'm learning a new language this week. Mommy and Daddy's friend from Japan is here. Akiko used to be roommates with Mommy in Sydney. Mommy has been very busy with Akiko lately. I barely see Mommy these days. We're always rushing out somewhere! Mommy! The weather is cold. I don't like it very much. Can we do something at home? Where I can sleep in your cozy warm bed?

Last Friday we were at the airport to pick up Akiko. Mommy thought she had lost Akiko when everyone in the flight was out except her. Panic moment for Mommy! Aki said she had an emergency bathroom visit :) I also made a few friends. I've mastered the techniques of screaming. I've realized that screaming gets lot things done. Daddy is always funny when I scream. Daddy's also going shhhhh....shhhhhh.....shhhhhhhh. I just scream more. We had dinner at Chipotle's. Mommy favorite hang out. Ayya! I remembered that it was also your favorite food. Mommy let me try some the burritos. I only got to try the rice. Good stuff!!

I went for another parade on Saturday. My crazy Mommy woke me up early just so I can get ready and fall back asleep in the car. It was a long ride there. I slept most of it. Oh yeah! We got in so early. Mommy misunderstood the time so we were there one hour early. Mommy is starting to forget a lot these days. I hope one of these days she doesn't forget me! The parade was good. It was very cold that morning and Mommy dressed me up in shorts. My Mommy is definitely not watching the weather forecast these days. Anyway, I'll stop bashing Mommy because Mommy does everything for me. I slept the rest of the parade on Grandma-G. The football game (It was American Football and not soccer) was intense. I got bored watching it so I slept a little bit. It was starting to get really warm too.

Since we were a little too early. We were hanging out the Union Building drinking coffee.

Akiko and me waiting for the parade to start.

At the football game looking overly excited about something I can't remember.

We had brunch with Grandma-G and Lise. It was my favorite breakfast place. I was so tired I slept through most of breakfast. After that we headed out to the plaza so we could show Akiko some of the tourist places in Kansas City. It was very windy so we ended up at the museum nearby.

Mommy was having a bad hair day. The wind was styling it really weird.

At the museum with a mud horse. It wasn't even a real horse like what I saw at the parade the other day.

I had my 2nd shots of immunizations on Monday. I'm always happy going to the docs but I don't like the shots they give me. It hurts a lot. Then we were off to take more pictures of me at a portrait studio. Mommy said they were for Christmas so everyone can have a picture of me on their fridge door.

Goofing around with Daddy after taking the pictures at the studio.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Me, me & more of me

Mommy made me pose again this time with some semi-winter clothing. This time around I didn't mind posing for Mommy. It was about time anyway. Mommy has been so busy with the photography class that Mommy has almost forgotten to take pictures of me.

Let's do the train dance first Mommy before we take any pictures. Daddy get the drums rolling. We need to practice.

Mommy said stop and look up so I stopped by dancing and looked at her.

Time for posing. Oh yeah, I'm wearing my cowboy boots. A little weird combination but it looked good.

I'm shy Mommy. Daddy is making fun of me again. Tell him to stop.

One last smile. I'll make this a good one so Mommy can send to everyone in the family.

Tech Junkie

So Mommy and Daddy says that I started young. For those who don't get it... I already have a cellphone in my pocket.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Scream

Here is a sample of my daily doings. I do really well to keep myself and others around me entertained. Oh yeah! That's me holding my bottle all by myself :)


It's fall here now. No... No... It’s fall as in autumn. Here in the US we call it fall. Everywhere else in the world I think its called autumn. Don't ask me why. Everything in the US is so special and unique. Hehe.. We're different from everyone else.

Everyone in the family is down with the flu bug. I think Mommy sounds so sexy. Daddy not so much. I've learnt to maximize the usage of my lungs. I have screaming/yelling competitions with Mommy just to see who can be louder. Mommy said one of these days Mommy will upload the video of my screaming tantrums. I think it's just hilarious watching everyone panic when I start especially at the restaurants.

I don't like the cold weather. I've got to dress up in layers. I can't chew on my hands and eat my toes anymore. They are constantly cold all the time. I heard Daddy say it will get worse; the weather I mean. Mommy is as usual panicking as this would be my first winter. Mommy! You make me sounds like I'm a little baby. I'm a tough boy ok. I’ll survive my first winter. Just make sure I'm all covered up with a thermal blanket :)

I think mixed fruit juice is the best thing ever invented in the baby food aisle. Better than apple juice, ayya! Mommy has started feeding me solids. Whatever that means? I mean solids? The weird green looking thing I'm being fed? It's all liquid anyway. Why do they call it solid? I mean why? Why? I have so many questions running through my head right now. Mommy calls it green beans. I overheard Mommy telling Daddy that it's just so weird this baby food. Sometimes if I'm well behaved when we go out. Mommy will let me try her food. Usually it's some plain white squished rice or squished vegetables. Everyone don't panic; Mommy is very careful about what I get to eat. Mommy is more paranoid than what Mommy claims to be.

Daddy feeds me rice cereal with banana in the mornings. It's yummy stuff but ever since Mommy introduced me to mixed juice, the rice cereal has taken a back seat. Usually it's wartime when Daddy feeds me. I've got Daddy all wrapped up in my fingers. Shhhh! Don't let Daddy know ok. Daddy tries really hard to feed me. I'm getting really good at pushing all the food out and blowing bubbles with them. I have to make sure Daddy smells like rice cereal, right? When it's Mommy's turn to feed me Mommy makes sure I eat. I can't do my tricks with her. Mommy is seasoned in that. I think Mommy used to feed my cousins Aarthi and Arun when they were younger.

Happy Birthday Ayya and Arun. Both of them share the same birthday. How cool is that? I hope to see loads of pictures and I hope Arun likes the birthday gift I got him :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Curious? I asked myself that too. I'm officially 5 months today. Seems like I've been here forever. Mommy didn't celebrate my 5 months. Mommy said it wasn't really necessary to celebrate every month.

I've learnt a lot of new skills in the last two weeks. Mommy introduced apple juice to me. It is so sour. I don't know how adults like to drink that. I heard Mommy saying that Ayya loves his apple juice a lot. Mommy makes me drink apple juice everyday. I've tried all tricks to make Mommy not give me the juice but I think Mommy is more stubborn than me.

Yesterday, Mommy spoon fed me. I felt like I was a big kid. Mommy said I wasn't a big kid yet. I'm still learning. Don't tell Mommy but I've been busy learning to imitate other by chewing my mouth. Mommy was surprised that I was able to swallow my food well without throwing a tantrum. Mommy fed me rice cereal. I hope next week I get to try something tastier.

The biggest skill I've picked up so far is turning. I've learnt that I'm able to turn. I've shown a number of people my trick. I'm yet to show Mommy the trick yet because I know if I do Mommy will be busy taking pictures or videos. I know Mommy is griping behind my back that everyone has seen my new trick except Mommy. I've shown Mommy that I can turn sideways. I can also commando crawl myself out of my play-gym. By the way, Mommy, the carpet needs cleaning. It tastes really yucky.

Daddy thinks I'm teething. Sometimes it's painful. Daddy said I was a boy so I should be learning to tough it out. Daddy said to be macho. So lately, I've been really strong about not crying when it's painful. I think I'm not there yet. Maybe in another month or so the teeth will be coming out. I can't wait to bite everything in sight. I've already tasted all my toys. To answer the question everyone has been asking me; does the color blue taste the same as color yellow or purple or red? The answer is yes. It tastes different.