Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last weekend was really really windy. Mommy thought this would be a good time to fly my kite. It wasn't really that bad but I think Mommy and Daddy had more fun flying the kite. Hmmpphh! I thought it was my kite. So much for sharing it with Mommy and Daddy. After a few temper tantrums, crying and I finally got to hold my kite for a while. Daddy was yelling something about keeping the kite up in the air. I finally gave up and went running around the huge field trying to find rocks (Rocks are officially my favorite hobby right now).

Making sure the kite stay up in the air. Hard at work!

"I want my kite back now!"

"Here Daddy, Let me help you hold the string."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Best of Time

Mother's Day is coming up here really soon. I'm already running out of ideas on what to get Mommy for Mother's Day this year. I was looking around the world wide web and found is absolutely delightful website for watches ( They had some of the most beautiful watches. I'm sure I can find a really nice one for Mommy. Mommy will sure treasure the watch forever and ever. The watches definitely are priced very reasonable compared to what you might find at the stores or malls. They also have a section for fine jewelry. Maybe I can find there instead. Something that Mommy will always remember that I gave Mommy something special and wonderful.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I attended my first ever wedding ceremony. It was one of Mommy and Daddy's friends. I liked the excitement a lot. It was fun flirting with the girls. Dancing was fun too. Mommy thought I had way too much fun that day.

Family picture before all the excitement started.

Giving Mommy the look hoping Mommy might stop taking pictures.

Daddy thought I was such a poser with girls. Got to be on my best behaviour in front of girls, right?

My current favorite word while taking pictures "Cheese" with a cheeky grin.

I hid under the piano for some quiet time. Too many girls too little time. Need to rethink my moves.

"Here! Let me help you find that lost earring or whatever is that you think just needs to be found right now."

"Yeah! It was that spot. Don't go there. It's just to dangerous."

"Break time. Need to replenish my energy."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cruiser Customizing

Spring weather is finally here. Time for outdoor activities. Let all the fun stuff begin :) Did you know that long time ago Daddy had a really cool motorcycle and used to ride it around? I think it's still somewhere in Daddy's home in Drexel. I think it's time Daddy brought it out and we had some fun. motorcycle community offers a variety of things from helmets, jackets and accessories. I'm thinking we get really cool matching helmets and jackets for the ride. It'll be so much fun riding with Daddy. There are just so many accessories we can get for the motorcycle. I can't wait to go shopping with Daddy on this.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random Stuff

Random pictures of me from the last few weeks. Most of the pictures were taken from Mommy's camera phone.

Giving Mommy the cheeky smile in the mornings.

Daddy and me giving Mommy the smile while having lunch. Mommy calls it the 'Happy Father-Son moment'.

The cool dude at the park swinging away.

I'm all ready for my vacation.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rustic Furniture

Mommy said I'm almost ready to have my own bedroom. I get to pick my very own bedroom furniture. rustic furniture has some pretty neat bedroom furniture. I liked this Double/Single Left ladder White Cedar Log Bunk Bed very much. It seems like a neat idea. I know I still have to share my room when Ayya or Aya come over to visit. I get to sleep up and they get to sleep down. It sounds like so much I get to climb up to my bed every night. It's camping every night in my very own log bunk bed. It just sounds so exciting.