Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Who me?? Phat????

Mommy think this pictures makes me look "phat". I think I look good with that "captivating" smile. I can't help it if Mommy feeds me with all that good stuff. Mommy is always busy eating something. Good food equals happy baby right?????

Mommy and Daddy have decided that I'm too smart for them. Hehehe! Don't tell Mommy and Daddy but I know what to do to get things done around the house. It's a very simple plan. I cry and cry and maybe sometimes scream loudly. Mommy and Daddy think if they ignore me for 5 minutes I'll stop. No... I don't I just keep on going. It gets their attention. I get what I want. Simple, right?? Crying is the answer to a lot of demands.

Did I tell you that Mommy and Daddy's bed is so comfy these days? I don't like sleeping on my crib anymore. My crib is always cold and lonely. When I sleep with Mommy and Daddy I get to share the warmth with them. Mommy keeps saying she needs to read more books so that I can be weaned out of these habit I'm picking up.

Is wanting constant attention wrong? Apparently Mommy thinks it's bad that I only sleep on Ayya every night. Here I am trying to get myself into a routine and Mommy's trying to change that. I thought Mommy wanted a routine for me. Maybe Mommy wants to make the routine for me.

Did I tell you that Daddy speaks funny to me? He's always scolding me for something. I can't tell you what he scolds me for but he does. I can't get myself into trouble here. Mommy speaks to me in some funny baby language I don't understand either. I think it might be Japanese or Korean or Chinese. Mommy doesn't know either. Daddy speaks to me in English and Spanish. Mommy and Ayya speak to me in English and Tamil. That's a lot of language for a small kid like me. Too much!!!!

I like looking cool and macho all the time. Mommy think it fits my image. What image??? Mommy has too much fun dressing me up. I know I'm a boy and I don't have much variety in clothings but somehow Mommy manages to get me dressed really cool :) Daddy always gets mad when Mommy tries to make me look cool. Daddy thinks I'm over dressing. Mommy says there's only so much time before I decide to dress myself. Oh well! I'm not complaining. Mommy gets me all the cool outfits anyway.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I don't like cameras

Actually I find them fascinating. I just don't like taking pictures. Call me camera-shy I guess. Everytime Mommy tries to snap pictures of me I freeze (like like ice-cold as Mommy calls me). Mommy never leaves me alone when I talking to Ayya. Ayya and I have this long lenghty conversations about stuff and suddenly out of nowhere Mommy appears with this camera and starts clicking away (I think Mommy is way too camera happy). I stop talking and giggling just for the fun of it. I know it makes Mommy mad that she can't take pictures of me.
Mommy almost caught me smiling.

Then I frowned at her for taking my pictures.

Thought I'll give Mommy the "look".

Maybe if I cried, Mommy will leave me alone.

That didn't stop Mommy from taking pictures so I kept the "look".

So I decided I'll just take a nap on Ayya.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have this feeling....

I have this feeling that I'm being watched all the time. I think it's scary like in those scary movies..... Mommy, Daddy and Ayya are always watching me. I can't do anything at all. I've got to behave most times. Sometimes it gets boring and I cry and cry. Here is another video Mommy took of me. This one has sound. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Caught on video

It's a silent one though. Thought everyone might enjoy this. Apparently Mommy says this is a rare occurance.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Early Morning Walk

That's me all dressed up for my morning stroll

Seriously I think my parents are a little out of their mind. They woke me up early this morning around 7.30am. I only went to sleep at 6.30am. So little sleep. My parents had decide that they were going to start being healthy thus the early morning walk. They dressed me up in my strolling outfit. I can't walk yet so I was stuck in my stroller. I slept all the way. It was way way to early for me to get up anyway.

The family at the reunion

Last week was the Shipley family reunion. Daddy said it's held every year at the same place and same time. I was introduced to everyone by grandma. I don't think I can remember everyone. Too many names and too many people.

Mommy and Daddy are convinced that I don't like going out at all. Car seats are the most terrible thing invented. You're all strapped in and your movements are restricted. I don't like them at all. I scream and yell for attention. Mommy panics everytime I scream in the car seat because she can't take me out of it. Apparently it's against the law. You can get a ticket for it.

It's not that easy communicating with my Mommy and Daddy. They are just so confused. I say something and they do the opposite. Didn't they learn baby language in school???? It's very easy.

Life's been quite hectic. Eating, sleeping and learning to use motor skills is rather tiring these days. Everyone gets really excited when I respond to sounds and voices. I mean I've never seen such excited people in my life. When I smile everyone gets amazed and starts complimenting on my dimples. Daddy says I'll be a heartbreaker when I grow up. I break hearts????? Daddy's lost it this time.

Friday, June 1, 2007

The oldies

These are the pictures of the oldies in my family. Starting from the left is Ayya (Mommy's Daddy), Aya (Mommy's Mommy), Great Grandma (Daddy's Grandma), Grandpa (Daddy's Daddy) and Grandma (Daddy's Mommy).

The pictures were taken at various locations. I don't know who house they were but I have a feeling I'll be going there often :).

Aya got here 3 days after I was born. Apparently I was way to early. The were only planning on coming towards the end of May. So Aya had to bring forward her flight and be here early. She's been helping Mommy with taking care of me. Ayya got here about 2 weeks ago. He sometimes helps out with changing my diapers. I heard changing diapers is a tough responsibility.

Mommy says changing my diapers is a art on its own. This is how Mommy's explains the whole process. First Mommy tries to undo my diapers. I refuse to let it be done easily. I will pull my leg up high and make everyone's life difficult. I also throw a fit over it as if it's the end of the world. Then the cleaning up process is so very painful. The diaper rashes makes it more painful sometimes. Mommy has this miracle cream to put on me. Then putting on a brand new diaper is more fun. This is when I quickly do my "business". I'm still perfecting my aim. These days it just goes everywhere. Then putting on diaper is painful again. I lift my legs up high. Mommy's doesn't like that.

I think my name is Vikram because that's what everyone seems to be calling me these days. I know who Mommy and Daddy is. They look different from when I was still inside Mommy. I used to have a way of getting Mommy to pick me up but these days everyone knows what it is. Usually I will start sucking all my fingers and everyone thinks I'm hungry and call Mommy. So I thought that's a good way to get to Mommy but now Mommy has put me on a strict schedule. Tough life :).

Grandparents are the best. All they do is spoil and pamper you all do. A small cry will do and they pay attention to you. They are also the best sleeping pillow.