Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Diwali & Halloween

Happy Diwali everyone! It's time for new clothes and Mommy's cooking. I know Mommy makes the yummiest Indian food. I can't wait to eat all that food. Mommy bought me a bunch new clothes in Malaysia when we were there.

Halloween is this Friday. I get to dress up as a Bollywood Star. Mommy thought this would be a great idea as I have too many Indian costumes. I might as well wear them before I outgrow them, right? I think Mommy and Daddy as going to dress up as Bollywood stars as well :) This will be fun. The whole family going out for trick-or-treating.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Social Skills

I've been busy sharpening my flirting skills. Mommy and Daddy took me to a social event last weekend. I wasn't busy eating but I was busy flirting with the girls around there. I found a few which were nice to me ;) Daddy took the videos. Daddy took a bunch of short ones. I told Daddy next time to take them in one go.... Easier for me to upload when I post something.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Anyone is made to get up at 5am on a Sunday morning should be banned. I'm talking about Mommy and Daddy. They made me get up so early just so Daddy can go for his bike ride in Lawrence. I think I must have to the only crazy parents who make me do these insane things.

Never mind it's like 5.30am. At least I get to eat by breakfast and watch my cartoons.

It was a pretty good cartoon. The bagel was good too.

Mommy! I think I spotted something I'd like to explore!

Now all I have to do is wiggle my way out from Daniel.

Cool dude! That's my new look ;)

The 'people' who were riding their bikes that morning.

Why would anyone ever subject themselves to such things so early in the morning??

I tried to get out of this one as well. Mommy got smart and strapped me in this time.

Everyone is looking really enthusiastic for the ride to start.

Pretty flowers! Maybe I should get closer??

I'm getting closer and closer and Mommy's not realizing it yet.

Mommy caught me! I guess I won't be able to pick those pretty flowers.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Flint Hills

Pro-cras-ti-na-ting. That's the new word Mommy has been saying lately. I'm sorry I've not been able to update my blog a little more regularly. I think it has to do with that word pro-cras-ti-na-ting. It's starting to get colder so Mommy and sometimes Grandma have been busy helping me out with getting me all geared up for the cold weather. That means I'm usually dragged into shopping with the both of them. Mommy and Grandma usually make me try winter outfits. Most of the time, I'll try running away between the rack of clothes. Mommy is still looking for the perfect winter gear for me so I think there will be more shopping for me. I've already bought my winter boots. Looks just like Mommy's one but it's for boys.

Last month, we took a trip to Flint Hills. It was Kansas Prairie Grassland I think. It was good. I think I saw too much of flat land :) Aunt Uma, we did think of you a lot when we were there. Mommy said she'll take you next time you're here. Here are some pictures of the trip.

Please don't hesitate to sit wherever you like. That's what I do when I'm usually tired.

As Periamma would say, "It's that frenchie frog".

I like to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water.

One for the album. Family Picture.

This is a standard Mommy and Daddy picture. Don't ask me why.

And this is how tall I am right now.