Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Telemarketing is an effective method to generate sales opportunities. What is Telemarketing? Telemarketing is the process of calling potential customers to discuss products or services. This provides quality leads with potential customers interested in the products or services.

What does a Telemarketing do for a client? They spend time getting to know the clients and their products or services. They also find out what kind of customers target at.

I think Mommy once worked in a Telemarketing environment when Mommy was studying in Australia. It was a casual job to support living expenses. I know Mommy like the job very much. Mommy was always saying it was the best job ever. Mommy would randomly call people and initiate conversation and in return get information to help the research team.

Sometimes when Mommy gets a call from a Telemarketing company Mommy answers all their questions because she knows its hard work. They work really hard as they have to enter all the details into a computer as soon as you speak or say something. Almost all conversations are recorded for later use. I'm sure everyone has heard of the "announcement" which says all conversation will be recorded. This is to help in research and just in case important information is overlooked.

10-months milestone

I have a couple of teeth in my belt. I'm working on the rest as soon as possible. Walking is a difficult chore. It's the toughest thing invented. It's much easier to get someone to carry me everywhere. I'm also learning how to say bye and clap my hands. It's the coordination part that's tough. I wish they had manuals / instructions for these things.

Mommy has been busy buying me clothes for the trip to Malaysia. Mommy thinks I need tonnes of shorts and tees. I don't blame her. I heard the weather in Malaysia can get really hot. I know the summers here can get really hot. I told Mommy we'll just go shopping in Malaysia when we get there because I like the clothes Ayya, Aya and Periamma sent me.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Management Training

Mommy thought this post was meant for her. At some point of your career, you would have been sent for Management Courses by your employer, right? How does this Management Courses benefit us? I remember some of the courses I've been to. Usually they are very motivational and inspirational. These training were to help us to be more productive at work. I remember having given different situations and asked to address each situation as how I would approach it. For instance, if you saw a co-worker chatting and not doing the reports due in an hour, what would you do? Would you complain to you boss? Would you talk to your co-worker? What would you do? These are just some of the training given. I know it has helped me improve myself in the working world.

Malaysia Trip

I've got my passport and I've also bought my flight tickets. Watch out Malaysia, here I come!! I'm leaving Overland Park on June 14 and reaching Kuala Lumpur on the 15th. I'll be spending 3 whole weeks there! Please let Mommy know your availability or check with Mommy.

I think Mommy and Periamma are planning another birthday party for me in Kuala Lumpur. How exciting! I get to celebrate my birthday twice. I also get to meet everyone. I'm so excited. I've got a wedding to attend and a birthday party. Life is good!

More details later or on future posts as the dates get closer.

time 4 sleep

Mommy and Daddy have the best bed in the world. Have I ever told you about it? It's just the softest bed. My crib isn't the same at all. My crib doesn't feel the same as Mommy and Daddy's bed. I want my own bed as well. I talked to Mommy about it. Mommy had one thing to say; first sleep in my own bed. Gosh! That's a harsh thing to say to a little person like me.

I was already daydreaming about my perfect bed. Guest Beds has the perfect range of children beds. I was thinking about a soccer or V6 or even the fire engine bed. I mean how cool would that be to sleep in a fire engine bed? It had the perfect wheels. I'm into wheels right this moment. I'm sure you've heard to talk about it in my previous posts.

Guest Beds offers not only children’s' bed but also a variety of different types of bed to suit all type. You can pick your own bed type, color, size and price. Even pick out matching bedroom furniture and pillows.

Maybe I can convince Daddy that I need a new bed. Mommy's not so easy to convince. Anyone else? The bed after all one of the most important place we spend a third of our lives so why not get the best.

Who do I look like?

I found pictures of Mommy and Daddy when they were young. I don't think I need to explain the weird outfits Mommy was wearing. I'm trying to have my own identity but most people confuse me by saying I either look like Mommy or Daddy. Which one? It's a 50-50 chance I think. As usual, Mommy forgot to smile when this picture of her was taken. I don't know how Daddy managed to smile in this picture. It's a rare occasion.

I am my own :) I try though. I'm still learning and developing. I've still got a long way to go in the growing part.

Black Friday

Don't you just love the day after Thanksgiving? Black Friday :) The best day to shop and get the best deals in town. thanksgiving deals you can never find anywhere except this one day every year; the day after thanksgiving. Avid shoppers line up as early 2am to get into line or even camp out for the best bargains. Would I get up so early or even camp out in front of a store? No. I like my sleep. thanksgiving deals lists the sale information as it's available. All I have to do is pick the store and all the deals are there.

My favorite store? Where else but babies'r'us. Mommy helped me navigate through the website to find the toys I liked and there were so many good bargains. As Mommy would say, never give up on a good bargain. Babies'r'us is the best place for a little person like me. There are so many other stores. I know Mommy was looking at Best Buy to find Daddy's camera. Kohls is another store I found really great deals especially on little boys’ clothes.

The best part? You can sign up for email notifications and as the information is updated. Talk about being on top of the line :)

Friday, February 22, 2008


So, have you heard the news yet? I'm going to Malaysia in June. I'm so excited. I have already packed my suitcase and ready meet the family. I think Mommy has suitcases big enough just for my toys. I'm also going on a shopping spree for my cousins. They've given Mommy a super long list. If anyone does need anything from the US, please email my Mommy. Mommy will be able to get it for you. If you email me, I take no responsibilities in bring them safely to you.

Daddy said I need my own passport before I can leave the country. What is a passport? Daddy said it's a valid travel document with your personal information so it's easy to track you down in case of an emergency. Ahh! So, I can't play hide and seek?

Wait! Daddy is saying something really interesting.

I tried really hard not to smile but there wasn't enough light. Try again.

Mommy thinks smiling might work for the picture.

How was my good side profile? Do you think it'll be enough for the Homeland Security?

What? No? Why not? Why? I can't tilt my head even?

That's flash was awfully bright. Keep it coming. We might eventually score one.

How about that? Will that work? Now will you leave me alone? I gave you your shot!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Suburb or city? Which would you prefer? I've always lived at the suburbs. Yeah! It's been a long 9 1/2-mths now. I kind of like the peacefulness with a little hustle-bustle-ness thrown in. I've been to the city a few times but I don't think I would want to live there.

I know a lot of people commute to work. There is definitely an increase in commuting these. Commuter would rather trade-off time for cheaper and affordable housing. Remortgage definitely helps find the best rates suitable for you. Remortgage offers a variety of mortgages and rates.

I think living in the suburbs helps improve quality of life and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Just imagine a nice huge garden for the kids to run-a-around playing and grow up with plenty fresh-air. Minimal pollution right? I like that idea; being able to run around and play as much as I'd like.


Mommy's Post

I've just found out Vikram has his first little tooth poking out. It's really sharp though! Finally, it's just been too long. Every other kid I know already has a tooth or two. I was beginning to wonder what was going on. It's really sharp too. I think the tooth no 2 is also trying to poke itself out. I'm glad Vikram's not having any fever/temperature. It definitely helps with one less issue to deal with. Maybe Vikram's just a bit strong. He's sure heavy enough when I carry him for too long. My tough kid :) Maybe if Vikram keeps his mouth open long enough I might be able to snap a few pictures of his brand new tooth.

Concrete Garages

Daddy said he would like to build his own shed one day. Mommy said the project will never get done. I started searching the web to find some hired help to get it done so I don't have to listen to Mommy and Daddy argue about it. Daddy I vote we hire Concrete Garage to get the work done and then we'll have a work shed to tinker our secret inventions which will change this world someday.

I think it's a pretty cool website. Concrete Garage has so many choice to pick from. I can choose the number or windows or door I want. The sheds are built with durable garden products. These shed are almost maintenance free. What about that Daddy? We can spend more time building cool gadgets.

I've started "investigating" my toys lately. I've got this fascination for wheels. I think when Daddy gets Concrete Garage done. I'm going to work on my secret project that involved wheels and lots of wheels. I know Daddy has a lot interesting ideas. Daddy is also doing something in the study which I'm not allowed in. That place is filled all sorts of treasures. Mommy, do you have any ideas at all? I know what Mommy will say; just keep the shed clean and neat.


Mommy's Post

Vikram's has been lately very clingy to me. It's almost impossible to go anywhere without him holding on to my legs. As soon as he sees me wearing my coat and shoes, Vikram's all ready to go out as well. I'm hoping he will get over it as soon as possible as it's wearing me out.

Vikram has his 9-mth wellness checkup a few days ago. Everything is going great. He's growing like the way he should. Vikram's height and weight are where they should be. No immunizations this time. The next one is when he is 12-mths. Long way to go right?

1st birthday party planning is tough. Vikram's birthday is coming up in about 2-mths. I know a lot of people are saying that's a long way to go but I'd like the parties (2 by the way) to be perfect. Paranoid? Yes. Insane? Maybe. Hey! It is Vikram's 1st birthday and I want it to be memorable.

We've going to have one party here in Overland Park and another in Malaysia when we're there sometimes in June. I didn't want anyone to miss his party on both sides of our families :) Vikram's already starting to walk with help. Sigh! My kid is growing up way to fast.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

ClearDebt (IVA)

Are you in debt? Should be you be in debt? Can you avoid being in debt? Clearly nobody wants to be in debt. How do you avoid going into debt? Daddy says I should be thinking about these question really soon. How do Mommy and Daddy manage their debt? Pay their bills on time. Mommy said that is the best way to approach it. Always make sure each and every one is paid in full amount. Don't buy if you can't afford it unless it's absolutely necessary.

Not everyone has the capabilities to pay off the bill in full. Sometimes emergencies happen and debts start to accumulate.

Individual Voluntary Arrangements (in the U.K.) a.k.a. IVA helps cut the amount you owe typically by 50%, helps freeze the interest you pay and will legally prevent creditors from taking action against you. That makes only one affordable payment each month to pay off your debt. IVA is the safest choice to becoming debt free if you don't have equity in your property or a big enough surplus.

ClearDebt offers more than just information. ClearDebt helps set up an IVA, a legal binding agreement which provides greater security with better terms than a debt management plan.


Guess what Grandma-G got me when got back from her vacation in Mexico? A maracas. It's a really fun chewing toy when they first gave it to me. Later Mommy showed me how to use it. I still think it's a good chewy toy. Finally I managed to get Mommy into one of my video. Daddy and I made this deal and tricked Mommy into being in the maracas video. Doesn't Mommy look tired? It's not my fault. I take no responsibility for any actions done on the video.


Leave it to Mommy to find me these get paid to blog websites. It's pretty I think. I'm already saving a healthy some in my account. I think it's enough to buy a huge huge truck. Mommy has given up asking to to do anything these days. I think I've proven the fact to her that I'm more stubborn than Mommy and Daddy put together.

get paid to blog is a great website pays for blogging. Blog for money, sounds like a great plan right? I mean I like blogging and what a wonderful way to earn while I'm doing it. Smorty helps me earn money towards my college fund (Hm... don't tell Mommy that I'm actually saving up for a truck). I'm improved my vocabulary so much. Learning the big no-no with a headshake thrown in is the best thing ever. All four of my grandparents find my no-no an amusing thing. Hey! Am I not being taken seriously here?

get paid to blog is a good way for advertisers as well to advertise on blogs. It's a easy way to reach a lot of potential customers/buyers. Advertisers pay bloggers to write their opinion post with links back to them. Gosh! I guess my opinion does matter sometimes, huh? Get paid to blog. The best way to do it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Ok, so I'm getting bad at giving titles each times I do a blog entry. Anyway, I hope this video will be entertainments to a lot of people out there who have be complaining to Mommy that they haven't met me yet. Yes! I'm talking about those in Malaysia. I'll be seeing you soon in June.

Congratulations to chitti Kartika and Adai(?) on the engagement. It's this weekend in Klang (Malaysia). I hope to receive loads of engagement pictures. We've also got to figure out how I'm supposed to call Adai. Mommy thinks chittappa should be fine. I'll need to think this through carefully though. So, for right now I think I'll call him Adai chittappa. Btw, we need to discuss this when we meet up in Malaysia, ok?

Human Touch Quality Massage Chairs

Massage Chairs by Human Touch provides the best back pain relief and also combines state-of-the-art massage technology. The Massage Chairs replicates proven techniques used by professional massage therapists and chiropractors.

When is comes to Daddy's comfort and wellbeing, I don't there second-best. Massage Chairs uses the most advanced robotic massage technology and system in the chairs. Analyzing the treatments used by massage therapists, chiropractors and physicians and experience has allowed Human Touch to engineer the most advanced Robotic Massage system.

Every time we go out Daddy has to try one of the Massage Chairs. I even tried one. They feel really good. It replicates human-like massage like rolling, kneading, compression and percussion techniques of massage. It's the best full body massage you'll ever experience and provides relief to sore and tight muscles. It's the best choice for your own well being.

Check it out at Human Touch. I know what to get Daddy for his birthday.

This is a sponsored post.

Friday, February 1, 2008


It's been really cold these days. There isn't much to do. We usually stay home. Sometimes Mommy gets cabin fever and we all have to bundle up and go out. We usually go somewhere fun. I like snow. I think it's the best thing ever especially when it falls on your face. I can't wait to build a snowman with Daddy when the next snow storm comes in.

So accidents happens sometimes, right? I liked the plaster on me. It glowed in the dark.

I had to get the experience of being in Mommy's shoes. It was quite the experience I don't think I ever want to do it. Too much work.

Eat out! Eat out! Eat out! I love trying new food and flavors.