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Thursday, August 30, 2007

4-4-4-4 (Mommy's Post) Tag

Mommy has been tagged again. This time it's by Nunu's Mommy. Mommy says sorry for the late posting. She's been busy with me. I keep Mommy busy 24/7.

Four Jobs In My (Mommy's) Life:
Being a Mommy /On-Demand Milk Supplier to Vikram
Being a Wife to Vikram's Daddy (It's a full time job)
Consulting Jobs at various property firms in Malaysia
Waking up people at ungodly hours via telephone to do surveys while studying in Australia (to earn money to pay for school)

Four countries I've (Mommy) been on Vacation:

Four of my (Mommy's) favorite food:
Malaysian - anything is fine
Indian - anything is fine
Mexican - Burritos
Chinese - anything is fine

Four places I'd (Mommy) rather be now:
With Vikram and Daddy
Soaking in beautiful beach at watching the sunrise/sunset
Back home in KL eating at the mamak stalls
Shopping for clothes

Four friends to tag:
OK people. Mommy is tired (seriously). Once in a while if she gets tagged I'll be nice and let her use my blog but not all the time. So Mommy has decided to tag anyone who might be interested in getting tagged (I'm sure I didn't understand what Mommy tried saying there).

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New shoes

Mommy's got the camera rolling. I wonder how many pictures Mommy's going to take this time. Hip-hop Mommy? What's that blue teddy bear doing next to me? I thought I was the main person in the picture. Oh yeah! I'm wearing some really cool blue sandals. A little too big but I can wear it longer.

Can I suck my fingers? I'm getting kind of hungry and nobody is paying any attention to me as usual.

Now everybody please stare into the camera. If you stare long enough Mommy might disappear.

I'm smiling Mommy. Have you gotten enough pictures to email everyone in the family?

Ok Mommy just one more smile. I'll do with my cool hip-hop move.

Tongue out. Catch that Mommy.

Stop it Mommy! I'm getting tired being in front of the camera. There is only so much I can behave.

I worked out a deal with Daddy and thought hiding behind Daddy might work. It didn't really work. Mommy was still busy taking pictures.

Family Weekend

The weekend was awesome. Saturday morning I spent with Grandma and Grandpa. We went out again for breakfast and had lunch with Uncle Eric. It was a pretty hot day. I was tempted to head out to the pool to get some tanning done. Mommy was being a spoil-sport and didn't really allow me. Boo Mommy! Maybe next year she'll let me tan away.

This the afternoon / evening I had some family visit all the way from Wisconsin. Daddy said it was a far far away state up north, almost near Canada. It was Daddy's Aunt Bunny, Uncle Mark, cousin Mike and Amy. It was nice meeting more family members. Uncle Mark is really good at making funny faces. I wonder where Uncle Mark learnt all this from? Mike and Amy were really quiet. I think they were a little shy or something like that? Maybe they were afraid of me??? I'm sure I can be nice sometimes, right Mommy? Aunt Bunny had a lot of things to say to me. I had many good conversation with her.

That's Aunt Bunny and Amy. I got to sit between two really hot looking women ;)

I made Amy smile. Yeah! Huge achievement. Mommy, do I get a medal for that?

We all went out for family dinner. There was a head count of 10 1/2 people (I'm the half people here if you didn't get the joke). It was a long table and I was at the head of the table. Sounds like a huge responsibility. Everyone was eating except me. All I got was milk again. After dinner we headed back home and spent more time chatting away.

The family having dinner. Mommy is missing as usual. She always taking the pictures. You can't really see because as usual I was moving too much.

Sunday morning, Mommy and Daddy woke up late. Mommy had decided that I needed winter clothing. Mommy, when did this happen? Nobody told me about this shopping spree. I wasn't involved in the decision making. I don't think even Daddy was involved in this decision. It was all Mommy's fault. I did get a really cute pair of sandals to wear till it gets too cold. Mommy didn't buy any winter clothing for me yet. I think Mommy is planning on another shopping spree after Mommy gets paid.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


drive traffic is another one of the paid blogging website Mommy has got me into. I think it's a great website to learn to save for my own college funds. It's never too early to start saving right? I know a lot Mommy's friends do that.

Mommy to lazy to maintain her own blog. Mommy has been being saying lately that she'll probably need to get her own. Mommy is being tagged to many times. One of these days says Mommy. I'm guessing when it snows in July! ;)

I started coming up with so many great ideas about using the money I was going to get from paid blogging. I thought I could buy toys, toys and more toys. Mommy didn't like that idea. So much for that. Then I thought maybe I'll just start saving to buy myself a nice little sports car when I can drive. Mommy shot that idea down as well. I'm starting to not like Mommy anymore. Mommy never lets me do anything these days. Fine Mommy, I'll just save it for my college funds? Boy! Oh boy! Mommy was so proud of me. Sometimes I can't understand that Mommy of mine.

drive traffic helps blogger around the world earn money by writing a post about the advertiser and their products. It can vary from general topics to anything under the sun. That's a lot of thing to write about. This would also help me improve my writing skills and vocabulary. I've also loved expressing myself in different ways. Sometimes it can be pictures, videos or just a post.

Mommy does this mean I have to learn to spell difficult and long words? Mommy you need to get me one of those Webster dictionaries. Do they have dictionaries online? It definitely makes life easier having everything online these days. I just have to learn to be a techie baby.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Today, I had my first set of immunization shots. Apparently I have to get these so many shots till at least I'm 12 years old. That's a long long time. I wasn't too happy getting them. I wasn't prepared. Mommy or Daddy didn't exactly tell what was going on because we started our day with a nice breakfast. I was flirting with all the people there. No cute girls; sigh!

Next thing I know I'm getting undressed and the nurse is weighing me and taking my height. I"m now close to 6.3 kg or 14 pounds and 24 inches long. That's almost 2 feet long. Wow! I'm so tall. The doc comes in and does his thing. Good report. I was well behaved. Mommy and Daddy were just so amazed at how well behaved I can be sometimes.Right after that the nurse walks in with my shots. That wasn't fun at all. Mommy and Daddy had to pin me down while the nurse gave me the shots. I had 3 very painful shots. It wasn't a very happy moment for me. I cried and cried.

Mommy gave me some painkiller medication when we got home. It felt much better after that.

Doc has moved to a new building now. It very nice and colorful. They even have a little area for kids to play. I like this new place. The patient rooms had huge windows. Mommy has more space to push her stroller and not hit everything in the way!

Long road trip

On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy woke me up early. Geez! I have such crazy parents. At least this time they didn't decide to be healthy and drag me to the park for exercise. We visit Great-Grandma in Clinton. I was a long drive. I hadn't seen Great-Grandma for a few weeks. I had to be in my car seat for a long time. I was bored after crying for a while and went to sleep. I think I missed for the country side drive. Nevermind, I'm sure there will be many more trip down there.

I was very excited to see Great-Grandma (I think I''ll call her Grandma-G; I think Great-Grandma wasn't quiet ready for me to call her Great-Grandma yet). We played for a while. We talked for a little bit. Then we headed out for lunch for a Mexican restaurant. I'm got tired of watching everyone eat all sorts of colorful and tasty food. All I get is this thing called milk. It's so sad I think. I wonder when I'll get to eat adult food? I spent the rest of the day sleeping. I was a long day.

Mommy was too tired to take pictures this time.

Ethnic Enrichment Festival

Mommy started her first day at school on Saturday. I'm so proud of Mommy for going back to school. I haven't started going to school yet but I'm hearing a lot of hard work is involved! Grandpa and Grandma babysat me for a few hours that day because Daddy had to work as well. We went out for breakfast. I did my best to entertain everyone there. I hope everyone had a good time. It wasn't easy making everyone laugh. After breakfast we went to Target. Grandpa and Grandma bought a lot of things. I'm starting to like this idea already. I got a teddy blanket and a one-piece-clothing. Maybe every time we go out I get something??? I think I managed to convince Grandpa and Grandma that I'm the most well-behaved child in the world. I barely cried or fussed over anything. I specially reserve those moments for my parents.

After Mommy and Daddy got back, Mommy decided we should head out to the ethnic festival near the zoo. I was so excited that we were going to the zoo to see animals. I was disappointed when Daddy said not the zoo but the festival with a lot of food and cultural events. Oh boy! I can't eat anything and I don't understand what's going on so this might not be so fun after all.

We got there without getting lost (Thanks to Mommy and the maps). It was held at a huge park. There was a lot of different countries with the food and things from their own country. I don't really know how to explain that. Sorry! Mommy found a Malaysian stall with good food. Mommy just had to try some. It was good I think. I wasn't allowed to taste anything yet. Mommy met more Malaysians and I think it was a good experience for her.

Native Americans showing off their traditional costumes. Very colorful isn't it?

Daddy and me. Daddy has a new haircut. I think he looks super cool.

Malaysian dance. Call the ambulance. There is one on the ground. There was some weird ritual going on there.

I was trying to flirt with that girl on the other side. Mommy caught me before I got her attention.

I wanted to grow up to be a Sumo wrestler. Mommy and Daddy said "NO" and so I ended up taking a picture just to see how I looked.

Pretty good crowd, huh?

At the end of the day, after all that flirting and weird cultural shows I fell asleep in my stroller. It was a tiring day.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

X + Y = Z

Thought I'll do some comparisons today. That's a picture of my parents when they were newly married. Mommy, you remember those days right? It was even before I was born plus Mommy only allowed this picture of her. Mommy said her after having me pictures don't look good. Apparently Mommy these days is always looking tired and exhausted. Don't blame me! I had nothing to do with it! I'll prove my innocence one of these days.

Who do I look like? I think I have Mommy's eyes and nose. I have Daddy's mouth and ears. Mommy definitely thinking my feet and hands are like Daddy. I've got a long torso just like Daddy. My eyes and hair keep changing colors. I can't determine that yet. Maybe in a few months.

I think I weigh around 6kg (or 13 pounds) (1kg = 2.2 pounds). That's good progress I think. Next week I'm got a appointment with my pediatrician. I'm keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well. It would be less stress on Mommy.

Did I mention Mommy is taking up a class in the local community college this semester? She's taking photography. Already Mommy is extremely camera happy these days and now a class for it??? Give me a break. Mommy going to not put down that camera. I guess I'll just have to learn to be in the limelight until Mommy gets bored. I think she's starting this weekend. Mommy says it time away from me. Why would Mommy want to be away from me? Did I do something wrong?

Grandpa and Grandma are supposed to be babysitting me. I get to have some fun time. I wonder what the plans are?? Let see maybe we can go store or even to the park? Check out some pretty girls while I'm there. The weekend weather is supposed to be good so I'm hoping we get to go out and have some fun.

The happy parents before they had to be responsible adults.

The product of the marriage 2 1/2 years later.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm so hot

I've finally figured out why Mommy likes having me sleep in her bed (other than being in denial, of course). I think I produce of a lot of body heat. Mommy is always cold and freezing. Get the math???

Lately I'm been in the public eye. Every movement of mine is being broadcasted all over world. Grandparents, uncles and aunts. I have no privacy at all. Wait till I start talking your language Mommy then you'll understand what I'm saying.

Over the weekend, Mommy met some Malaysian from Malaysia (duh!). They had a 1 1/2 year old girl. It was nice seeing people my size you know. I was starting to feel I was a little out of place being small and all. Maybe next Mommy will let me post pictures of her and me.

No pictures this time. Sorry about that. Mommy being lazy lately helping me with this blog. Ever since Ayya left Mommy has to deal with me and the house. I think Mommy is being in denial as usual. Mommy and Daddy say the house is extremely messy and it's my fault. Please explain? I can't walk yet. I'm usually where I've been placed. Daddy calls it Hurricane Vikram (category 2 probably) has gone through the house.

Oh yeah! Strangers... Please do not touch me. Mommy and Daddy gets really mad when that happens. Mommy and Daddy don't mind if strangers talk to me but playing with my toes (it's too hot to wear shoes in the summer), holding my hands or pinching my cheeks if a big no no, ok??? Mommy gets really paranoid when some touches me. I think it's a safety or health issue. Other than that, Mommy, Daddy and me are really friendly people.

Friday, August 10, 2007

And so...........

It was pretty busy last 2 weeks for Mommy and Daddy. Ayya was leaving for Malaysia after being here with me for so so so long. Mommy was stressed out packing everything and making sure Ayya had bought. I made sure Mommy bought some gifts for my cousins in Malaysia. I hoped the liked their puzzles and will send me pictures of it. Everyone is Malaysia should have enough chocolates to last a long long time.

Mommy likes this picture of me and Ayya. Ayya has the most comfortable tummy to sleep on.

Ayya reached home safely. Ayya did have some glitches along the way due some technical errors. I don't know what they were. Mommy didn't really want to explain it to me.

A few days before Ayya left Uncle Dennis came to visit Mommy and Daddy. Uncle Dennis studied together with Mommy and Daddy in Sydney, Australia. I hope to go there one day. Mommy is always taking about Sydney.

With Uncle Dennis being here, Mommy and Daddy were busy going sight-seeing around Kansas City. They are at the most delicious places and visited museums. I think Uncle Dennis likes the Target stores here. Apparently they don't have them in Canada. That is so sad. Mommy I think we should open a franchise there?????

Uncle Dennis and me at the airport. I looking a little sad because Uncle Dennis was leaving.


I think I'm being dressed up all the time. Mommy has way too much fun picking out clothing for me to wear. Mommy's lucky I don't talk back yet. In few more months I will definitely have a say about it.

Maybe just one pose for Mommy.

How about the side profile Mommy?

Wait! Let me add this Canadian moose to my pictures.

Ok, I'm done with taking pictures for today. Take this moose away from me before I cry.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mommy's Favorite Food Post

Mommy was tagged by Aunty Ann. Since Mommy doesn't write in her blog anymore she wanted to borrow a "post" on mine. Since the tag was about food I didn't really mind. I like to eat all the time. Oh yeah! Mommy was busy around the house so Mommy made me write the post for her.

1) Proposition: What is your favorite food in your state or country?

2) Requirements: Find some info about the food and show delicious pictures of it?

3) Quantity: FIVE PEOPLE.

4) Tag Mode: You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.

Mommy is technically still a Malaysian. Mommy loves food. So tell me which Malaysian isn't passionate about food. Mommy most favorite Malaysian food is Nasi Lemak. These days Nasi Lemak is difficult to come by. Mommy is lazy to make it herself.

Mommy's other favourite food I think would be Chipotle Burrito. It's a Mexican almost fast food like place. What's in it? Hmmm.... Rice, beans, green pepper, onions, salsa, cheese, corn, sour cream and any meat you like cooked in the chipotle sauce. Tasty good stuff.

Mommy has decided to tag
Aunt Anusha
Uncle Mithi

Oh yeah the picture of a chipotle burrito