Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 has been quite the year. So many things have happened. I've learnt to walk and talk. I have learnt so many new things. My highlight of the year was meeting all my family back home in Malaysia. I didn't know I had so many relatives or I'll get so much attention. Happy New Year everyone. See you next year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mow a.k.a Snow

Mama! Mow! Mama! Mow! (translated : Look Mama there's snow). We had quite a bit of snow last week and Mommy took me out to play for a while. I was out with my neighbour, Nick. We only stayed out for a few minutes. It was really cold. Christmas is around the corner. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

RC Cars

I've been slacking off on my blog lately. Sorry everyone. Mommy has just been so busy with everything else since Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful time with everyone this year. I did get to enjoy the food more. I think it gets better with age. I not so into meat yet. I prefer vegetables and fruits. Mommy thinks that is a good thing. Daddy thinks I talk too much.

I say a lot of words now. Daddy thinks at least now I'm making a little more sense. I used to only say half the words and wasn't easy to understand. I'm still learning. I can say most of my basic words like mum-mum (food), nana (banana), pa-pa (milk), up, gone, bye what's that?, tee ya (see ya), Daddy, Mama, choo-choo (train) and a whole bunch of other words.

Mommy and Daddy got me a train set to go around the Christmas tree this year. I was afraid of it at first but now it's my best buddy toy. I like carrying them around and always end up on time out because I'm not to touch the trains. I'll take of a video of it really soon when Mommy has some time off.

Thank you to Uncle Mark, Aunt Bunny, Mike and Amy for early Christmas present. I really like my rc car.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Family Portraits

Mommy is kind of into taking family pictures lately. I know it's only been a few months ago since we took one for my birthday. Mommy thinks I'm growing up to fast so Mommy needs to capture every moment (more like every step I take). The camera I think is a part of me now. The extension of me.

I'm not officially 18-months and counting. Feels really good to treated like an adult. I can now call Mommy; maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I think Mommy is ok with it for now. Mommy feels that as long as I've got at least half a word or somewhat of a word it's good enough. All my soft toys are called "monkey". Nose is moooooku (in Tamil). Please note that I like to stress on my vowel. I think it's important. Cars are cars. They are my most favorite toy in the world. Nothing else makes me happy. Any cars or books on car are good with me.

Saying hello and bye is fun. I think everyone just like seeing me say hello and bye. Why would they ever do that? It's not that funny. Pretty girls are pretty. Nice to drool over. Ask Daddy, Daddy has a lot of stories to tell. Mommy trying really hard to teach me the potty stuff. I think I'm not ready yet. Maybe in a few weeks. I like combing my hair. Brushing my teeth is a fun thing every morning. So many things to learn. Hopefully I can learn them all soon enough.

Sherwani suit with a really cool looking stool.

I had to hold Mommy and Daddy's hand. Just in case I decided to take off somewhere else.

I like this picture of Mommy and Daddy. Daddy actually smiled.

Happy family. Happy family. Happy family ;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All Hallows Eve

Hehehe.. That's another way of saying Halloween. I did dress up as a Bollywood Star. The scars on my nose are because of a fight I got into with another boy over this girl. That's the story :).

I'm all set and ready to eat all the candy and chocolates I'm going to get here in a bit ;).

Load 'em up Grandma. I can't wait to munch on those.

Mommy and me on the stage looking really cool.

As usual Mommy is trying to tell Daddy something.

I had to do my cool walk down the stage.

I thank all my supporters and fan who have ever been so loyal with me all this while.

Wait Mommy! These photographers are busy taking pictures of me.

Words of wisdom from Mommy. Top secret issues.

Running away from Daddy and my responsibilities. I think that scarecrow was going to get me.

Happy voting everyone! Make sure you've casted your votes. Mommy says I'm too young to vote. Maybe in another 17 years I should be able to cast my vote.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Diwali & Halloween

Happy Diwali everyone! It's time for new clothes and Mommy's cooking. I know Mommy makes the yummiest Indian food. I can't wait to eat all that food. Mommy bought me a bunch new clothes in Malaysia when we were there.

Halloween is this Friday. I get to dress up as a Bollywood Star. Mommy thought this would be a great idea as I have too many Indian costumes. I might as well wear them before I outgrow them, right? I think Mommy and Daddy as going to dress up as Bollywood stars as well :) This will be fun. The whole family going out for trick-or-treating.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Social Skills

I've been busy sharpening my flirting skills. Mommy and Daddy took me to a social event last weekend. I wasn't busy eating but I was busy flirting with the girls around there. I found a few which were nice to me ;) Daddy took the videos. Daddy took a bunch of short ones. I told Daddy next time to take them in one go.... Easier for me to upload when I post something.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Anyone is made to get up at 5am on a Sunday morning should be banned. I'm talking about Mommy and Daddy. They made me get up so early just so Daddy can go for his bike ride in Lawrence. I think I must have to the only crazy parents who make me do these insane things.

Never mind it's like 5.30am. At least I get to eat by breakfast and watch my cartoons.

It was a pretty good cartoon. The bagel was good too.

Mommy! I think I spotted something I'd like to explore!

Now all I have to do is wiggle my way out from Daniel.

Cool dude! That's my new look ;)

The 'people' who were riding their bikes that morning.

Why would anyone ever subject themselves to such things so early in the morning??

I tried to get out of this one as well. Mommy got smart and strapped me in this time.

Everyone is looking really enthusiastic for the ride to start.

Pretty flowers! Maybe I should get closer??

I'm getting closer and closer and Mommy's not realizing it yet.

Mommy caught me! I guess I won't be able to pick those pretty flowers.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Flint Hills

Pro-cras-ti-na-ting. That's the new word Mommy has been saying lately. I'm sorry I've not been able to update my blog a little more regularly. I think it has to do with that word pro-cras-ti-na-ting. It's starting to get colder so Mommy and sometimes Grandma have been busy helping me out with getting me all geared up for the cold weather. That means I'm usually dragged into shopping with the both of them. Mommy and Grandma usually make me try winter outfits. Most of the time, I'll try running away between the rack of clothes. Mommy is still looking for the perfect winter gear for me so I think there will be more shopping for me. I've already bought my winter boots. Looks just like Mommy's one but it's for boys.

Last month, we took a trip to Flint Hills. It was Kansas Prairie Grassland I think. It was good. I think I saw too much of flat land :) Aunt Uma, we did think of you a lot when we were there. Mommy said she'll take you next time you're here. Here are some pictures of the trip.

Please don't hesitate to sit wherever you like. That's what I do when I'm usually tired.

As Periamma would say, "It's that frenchie frog".

I like to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water.

One for the album. Family Picture.

This is a standard Mommy and Daddy picture. Don't ask me why.

And this is how tall I am right now.

Monday, September 8, 2008


So, you might ask what this number is all about? In the millions and all? Hmm.. Let me explain. I just thought it might be cool to find out how old I am in days, minutes and seconds.. Here the compiled list.

As of 9/8/2008 10:07:30 AM EDT
You are 1 years old.
You are 16 months old.
You are 71 weeks old.
You are 495 days old.
You are 11,890 hours old.
You are 713,407 minutes old.
You are 42,804,450 seconds old.

That makes me feel ancient. I also found out that I share my birthday with David Beckham. Now I know it's fate. I'm meant to play soccer. That also explains my soccer skills (I paid Mommy a bunch hugs and kisses to let me write that).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Summer's almost over

Can you believe it that summer is almost over? Cold weather is already here. I can tell that Mommy's not liking it at all. Now, Mommy has to pull out all the heavy jackets and sweaters for me to wear. We spent the last weekend at the local community pool. They had this really cool man-made beach. It was a lot of fun.

With the cold weather coming, I don't I'll be able to spend much time outside playing. I'll just have to settle playing indoors I guess. Hopefully Daddy buys me more toys. I like the ones which makes a lot of noise.

I think my vocabulary has improved tremendously. I can very clearly now ask Mommy or Daddy "do that?" which to they usually say no but I go ahead and do it anyway. I'm just being polite. I also say "bye tee ya" (bye, see ya) to every passing person, car or anything moving away from me. Daddy thinks it funny when I do that. Don't tell Mommy but I almost understand everything Mommy asks me to do. I just refused to follow orders! I'm a rebel in the making.

Daddy's birthday is coming. We already got Daddy his birthday present. Well! Mommy just had to give it to Daddy early because it was an emergency situation. Daddy broke his old one. We bought Daddy a really nice BPA-free water bottle. As I was behaving really good, Mommy bought me a miniature one. Now Daddy and I have the same water bottle. Mommy did also mention that Daddy shares the same birthday day with Aya and Ayya's wedding anniversary. How cool is that? Hehehe... That means I've got less days to remember.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bend It Like Vikram

That's me showing off my soccer skills. What do you think? Any takers?

Monday, August 18, 2008

15 almost 16

I'm almost going to be 16 months in a few weeks. I can't wait for that. I had my 15-month check-up a few weeks ago. Doc said I was doing great. I was weighing average on the weight and way above on the height. So, I guess I'm tall. Doc said I was doing great and was up-to-date on all my immunizations that I didn't need to see him until I turned 2... Yes! (While I did my special dance). The nurse was impressed with my progress. Mommy was impressed as well but Mommy did say that if only I wasn't so hyperactive.

Daddy had gotten be beginners crayons and I was more interested in tasting them. I would say the blue sure tasted like blue. So was the red and green. Yummy! After that I never saw the crayons again. Sigh! I need to find another hobby. At least Mommy hasn't taken away my cars and soccer ball. I love my cars. I know I have a bunch of them. Usually I can't find them because I'm really good at hiding them for emergencies. I have to get Mommy or Daddy to help find them. Soccer ball (or baa... as how I say it) is my favorite outside game. I like playing soccer with Daddy. Mommy says I'm getting really good at kicking the ball now.

I've started calling Dadi (Daddy). Mommy is sad I'm not calling her Mommy yet. Mommy! One word at a time ok. I've got to start with the important ones. I can clearly tell Mommy that I need my mum-mum (food). All I have to do is go and point at my snack and someone will give me the food. I do a very selective bye-bye to some people.

Lately I've been to the pool. I think it's the best ever biggest bathtub. So much water, so much fun. Yeah! Leave it to my parents to do something as crazy as letting me float and kick in the pool all by myself with the float of course. I know they are usually standing close by in case of and emergency. I think I must have drunk at least 1/4 of the pool water by now. Hopefully next weekend I'll be able to take some videos.

I'm still learning to say a whole lot more words. I think it's really funny when Mommy repeats the same word again and again.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Batu Caves

So, did everyone hear about my latest hairstyle? I had my head shaved in Batu Caves (Malaysia). Mommy had made a vow for me and I had to sacrifice my hair. I thought it was a really cool idea. I looked like a little monk. Daddy thought it was a cool look for me. Daddy almost wanted to shave his hair off as well.

It took 5 people to shave my hair. Ayya was holding the camera. Aya had me on her lap. Periamma was holding the magazine. Mommy was feeding me water and food. The barber was shaving my head off.

Mommy carried me up all the way to the temple. 272 steps to be exact. I wasn't allowed to climb myself. Thank you Mommy for carrying me all the way up and down. I know it wasn't easy to carry me. Mommy is always complaining that I'm heavy. I just say that I'm well-rounded. I think Mommy needs to eat more food or exercise. To those who were worried about my hair; Mommy said it will grow back.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Last weekend Mommy and Daddy took me to the farmstead. It was a really cool farm with ducks, goats, turkeys and cows. There was more animals but I'm still learning the names. I had so much fun. I thought I'll post some videos. I also have pictures but Daddy thought the videos would be more fun to watch.

There were so many new things to learn. I got to see so many farm animals. There was even a farm school there. I think there was also the Native Indian house. It's like a really cool camp tent. Very big and spacious. I think I"m going to persuade Daddy to take me there again this weekend.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Birthday Celebrations

It's Aarthi's Birthday. She's ummm... I can't tell the age. Mommy said girls don't tell their age. Happy Birthday Aarthi. Co-incidentally it's also Uncle Eric's 21st birthday (Eric is Daddy's younger brother). Happy Birthday Uncle Eric. The share the same birthday date. Isn't that cool? I know I share my birthday with some of mommy's friends.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rabbit Slayer

And then I went chasing the rabbits in Aarthi and Arun's house. I think they were afraid of me ;) I'm officially the rabbit slayer now ;)

I also tried my hand at feeding them. They weren't that smart. The rabbits were always digging holes to somewhere. Maybe they were also trying to escape to rabbitland.

Maybe someday Daddy will let me have my own rabbits. It doesn't seem like a lot of work. Just play and feed them leave. I can do that.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Malaysian Birthday

Mommy took over 300 pictures taken while we were in Malaysia. I had another birthday party. Thanks to everyone who came and gave me all those wonderful gifts. The cake was delicious. I was so tired that I even took a power nap during the party. Thanks to periappa, periamma, aarthi and arun for hosting the party.

I tried really hard to help with the getting ready part.

So much hard work!

It's a coolest birthday banner ever yet. Thanks periamma.

Aarthi tried taking pictures with. I thought I'll quickly make a wish.

Mommy made Aarthi laugh. It was so funny.

We tried getting Arun into the shot but he was too shy.

Tried my hand at the keyboard. Wasn't too bad. Might think about it if I can pick up girls.

Yummy cake! I was already tired and cranky. All I wanted was too sleep.

Group picture with some of Mommy's friends and family.

Almost bedtime but Mommy let me stay up just for the night.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Aarthi Chalu

Hey everyone :) I know I've kind of almost disappeared from the blogging scene for a few weeks. It's all for a good reason. I just got back from my fun vacation in Malaysia. I met so many relatives and friends. I think I've also made a few potential girlfriends :) I promise to write a bit more about my vacation with loads of pictures. Mommy and I are trying really hard to recover from the cough and flu.

Congratulations to chitti Kartika and Adai chittappa on the wedding. I think their wedding was really awesome. I've never seen so many colorful sarees and dresses. I was so tired I slept through most of it :)

My cousin, Aarthi has started her own blog. It's really good. I think she's really into this Hannah Montana thing. She also wrote one or two posts about me. Mommy helped Aarthi start her blog. Mommy said Arun was too young to start his own blog. I had a blast with my cousins, Aarthi and Arun. I hope they get to come and visit me next year.

I promise to write more after getting more sleep and recovering from my jet lag :).

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I know this post is a little early but I'll be in a plane on Father's Day. I'll be flying to meeting my Mommy's parents and family in Malaysia. I wish all the Dads out there a very happy father day. I going to miss my Daddy very much but I'm also excited to finally meet my cousins in Malaysia. I heard a big group is coming to receive me at the airport. Hehehe! I feel important now.

Mommy said not to worry about the packing. Mommy's pretty good at packing the luggage. I told Mommy to pack my favorite clothes. I heard it's always summer there so I need all my lightweight clothes. What toys should I bring? My cars? or my phone? or my books? I'll let Mommy make all those decisions for me.

I think I'll be busy for the next few weeks so I might not be able to post anything for a bit. I'll be busy meeting loads of new family and friends. Maybe I'll find a new girlfriend? Don't tell Mommy but I'm going to use my baby American accent to pick up girls :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So there goes my first field trip to the swimming pool. The pool is right next to the apartment. It took me less than 1 minute to get there :) Here is some video Mommy managed to capture. I have this coolest car float which honks really well.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Family Portraits

These are our ever 1st family portraits. These pictures were taken professionally so Mommy can be a part of the pictures. It was really fun taking these pictures together. Hopefully we can do it again. It took me a long time to convince Mommy and Daddy we need to have family portraits taken after that disastrous one.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday Pictures

Finally, I managed to convince Mommy that the birthday pictures were long overdue. Some were taken on my birthday and some were of my party. I have way too many of them. I'll just post the interesting ones. A big thank you for everyone who came and brought presents.

Shhhh Daddy! Don't start spelling the beans on Mommy. Mommy thinks I'm an angel.

Uhm... Mommy please keep that camera away. I'm trying to have a conversation with Daddy.

I was serious about that ok...

My 1st birthday cake. It was Mommy's idea and a friend helped bake it.

I should smile now since all the camera's are clicking away.

Yummy cake!

Anyone cares to escape with me??

I'll wait till no one is really looking at me.

Am I really the center of the attraction here?

I even get my own piece of cake........

Let's feed Mommy! Mommy looks awfully hungry.