Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 26, 2009


This would be my typical breakfast on the weekends. My laptop, muffin and orange juice. Life can't any better than this right?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Vikram Talks (Part 2)

Mommy is angrily scolding Vikram.
"Mommy, you're happy ok!"

"Mommy you talk" and quickly runs of to do something no-good.

Watching a scary movie on tv
Mommy "Vikram! Mommy is scared!"
"Don't worry Mommy! It's ok! It's ok" while giving Mommy a hug.

Vikram playing with his RC car; runs into the other room and shuts the door.
Quietly pressing the remote to make the car move.
"Surprise" (the car moves on its own! with Vikram being on the other side of the door).

After doing something naughty "Mommy! I give you hug ok?"

Daddy is getting ready in the morning
"Where is your phone, Daddy?"
Daddy "I don't know Vikram. Where is it?"
Vikram looking for it "Where is my phone???" and starts searching for Vikram's phone.

Mommy "Vikram are you busy tonight?"
"Yes. I'm busy"
Mommy "What are you doing?"

Vikram trying to test Daddy
"Daddy does this go here or here? (pointing at the different toy baskets)
Daddy "I think this goes here" (putting it in the wrong one)
"No Daddy! This one, ok!" (correcting Daddy)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Vikram Talks

While in the shower
"I'm still playing Daddy. You're busy."

Pillow fight with Daddy
(Folding the pillow in half) " (once a) upon a time. There was a prince. The end" (Unfolding the pillow) "Pillow fight now, Daddy"

Throwing a tantrum in the car.
Mommy "Fine Vikram we can't go and see the dinosaurs because Vikram is angry"
Vikram "I'm happy now Mommy" (and stops crying)

Day 1: "I'm a big boy"
Day 2: "I'm a superhero"
Day 3: "Mommy you're a princess"

"Mommy I'm not a baby. I'm a big boy"

"Mommy red light! Stop Mommy! Stop Mommy"

Mommy is parking the car
"Good job Mommy" (and does a little jingle)

Vikram throwing another temper tantrum
"I need something! I need something!"
Mommy "What do you need?"
"I need candy"

"Mommy I love you. I need some candy/mac & cheese"

"I'm a superhero" (while trying to jump off the sofa/step ladder)

"Blast off! Blast off! I see the rocket" (while in the car) (influences of Little Einstein)

"Ghost light! Ghost light" (while in the car) (influences of Cars : Mater)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bike race

Mommy managed to get into my first ever almost bike race. Well almost because I wasn't really pedalling. I still can't reach my pedals on my tricycle. It was still fun though. I hope there will be more bike races like this in the future. It was held downtown Kansas City. I think it was called the Tour of Missouri. I just took part in the kids race.

I'm all ready to go and race away.

C'mon. Let's get started already.

Can I go now Daddy???

Off we go pedalling/pushing my bike as fast as I can.

Going and going. Where is the finish line again??

All done. I have my medal. I'm a happy kid with a ballon.

Now we wait for the real bikers to race.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer Fun

We did a lot of things this summer. There was the visit to the Zoo, Science City and Renaissance Festival. Mommy has been working really hard to make sure I'm not bored staying at. Thanks Mommy! That being the reason the blog hasn't been really updated on a regular basis.

As for my 2-yr progress. I'm doing great. Everything is up-to-date. Growing really well. I can recognized my alphabets and numbers. Still working on the colors. I'm able to recognized a lot of the things around me. If I don't know what it is, I'm not shy to ask Mommy or Daddy. Usually it's like "Mommy, what this?" and Mommy goes "It's *something (insert the right word here)". My respond to that is "Ok" and I run off playing again.

I like singing. My two favorite songs right now are ABC's and Twinkle, twinkle little star. I've even managed to compose a tune combining both my favorite songs. Everybody gets a laugh out of it. I like talking. Did I ever mention that??? Daddy thinks I talk too much sometimes. But if I never ask I'll never know right?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It's Sept 09, 2009. Pretty cool date huh? Apparently it doesn't repeat itself until for another 100 years I think. I don't know if I'll be around then. Tomorrow is Daddy's Birthday. Mommy said something about celebrating it. I'd like to wish Daddy a very happy happy birthday. Ayya and Aya are also celebrating their wedding anniversary on the same day as Daddy. How cool is that? Happy Anniversary Ayya and Aya.

Last weekend we were at the Science City. I had a great time there. There was an actual dinosaur lab there. Right now, my favorite hobbies are cars (vrroommm) and dinosours (arrrrrrr). I wonder what's in store for next week?? Mommy, can I make some suggestions?? Can't really do any outdoor stuff anymore since the weather is getting cooler and colder. The outdoor pools are closed for season.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Sometimes in July this year, we took a road trip to Appleton, Wisconsin. It was a very long drive. I was entertained pretty much all the way. Mommy and Daddy had bought me a dvd player for the car. Isn't that nice of them? I wonder why. Rumors had it that Mommy and Daddy wanted a quiet drive (I think it was those tiny tiny temper fits I was throwing in the car that made them decide this). Mommy made sure I had a lot of movies to watch. I think overall it made the road trip less stressful for all of us.

Appleton was really nice. It was really windy and slightly cold for July but then it's further up north and the temperatures are usually lower. Daddy's cousin, Mike was graduating from high school and Amy was graduating from middle school. Loads of yummy food cooked by Aunt Bunny. Everyone was there. Even Aunt Lisa, G-G, grandma and grandpa were there.

I had a lot of people to play with. Amy and her friends thought I was a cute kid. Ahem? I didn't think that was even a question. I know I am little flirt.

Amy tried doing this really cool stunt to impress me with her ball catching.

The pretty girls I got to hang out with during the party.

But Daddy the girls are over there. I really don't want to be playing with you.

Every kid needs nap time right?

Family picture. Missing from the picture is Grandma, Grandpa and Eric.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I've been missing in action for a while. It's just been a very busy summer. Almost every weekend we're busy doing something. I promise I'll post pictures. Mommy has been very busy with taking pictures again this summer.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hello everybody! (That has now officially become my standard greeting with everyone). I know I've been missing in action for a bit now. We've had quite a bit going the last few weeks. Firstly my trip to Malaysia. That requires a post on it's own that will be done really soon. Then it was the 4th of July fireworks. Now Mommy has told me that's we're off to Wisconsin to visit family there. I've got a pretty packed summer. I'm so excited.

We also got to pick strawberries. I thought they were the yummiest ever. I was too busy eating them. I wasn't really helping with the picking part. Mommy and Daddy picked the strawberries and I ate them. I think it worked pretty well for me. Yummy! Strawberries are the best!!

It all started with Daddy trying to show me how to pick strawberries.

They looked really yummy.

Ok Mommy. I'm now going to walk away with my share and eat as much as I can.

Bye everyone! I'll see you later with an empty basket.

That one! That one! That one looks really yummy!!! Hurry up! I'm still hungry!

Pay attention! You almost missed a good one there Mommy!

You're the best Mommy! I love you :)

There is always time for playtime right???

Nap time. After a long days of hard work of eating and playing I fell asleep in the car.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mommy and me

Here are some parts of the conversation between Mommy, Daddy and me.

Mommy is driving the car.
Vikram : Mommy! Careful, ok
Vikram : Mommy! Careful, ok
Mommy : Ok Vikram will be careful while driving
Vikram : Mommy! Careful, ok

Vikram : Mommy, Allie (the alligator) wants some cookies
Mommy : Allie! you can't any cookies right now
Vikram : No cookies Allie, go play

Daddy was talking really loudly to Mommy
Vikram : Daddy! Time out, ok
Daddy : Why?
Vikram : Daddy! Time out, ok
Vikram : Mommy, you ok?????

Daddy : Vikram are you ready for your shower?
Vikram : Yes, Daddy (Vikram running of to turn of the tv)
Vikram : I'm ready Daddy
Vikram in the shower playing with his toys for a bit
Daddy : Vikram, are you ready for soap and shampoo?
Vikram : No! I'm still playing

Mommy says I articulate my words pretty well for my age. My parent teacher educator also says the same :) Thanks.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What say you?

I'm flying out to meet the family in Malaysia again this year. I think I'm very lucky to be able to go again to meet everyone. I just don't like the long flight part. It gets rather tedious sitting down for a very very very very very very long time. This time all 3 of are going. Maybe this time Mommy won't be so cranky with me. Daddy will be around to play with me. Mommy said I could take my computer with me so I can keep learning my alphabets.

This t-shirt is dedicated to both Aya and Grandma.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Web Hosting Geeks

I think it's about time I started looking to host my own website. Mommy still helps with the typing part. best vps hosting is an independent site that does independent review on hosting sites. I find it much easier to have everything on page where I can compare and do a little pricing shopping. Isn't that convenient??? Anyone who is even remotely interested in getting started on their own site should look up this best vps hosting site. Comparing the review helps understand what is actually offered and what is the best in the market. I can also choose one that best fits my needs for owning my own website.

There are just so many available options. I would probably need a host that offers online 24/7 technical assistance and loads of web space to store my pictures and videos. I would also need something reliable to upload my contents regularly. Most important of all, the host needs to reliable as I'll have to give some private information. I've learned so much about getting my own site. This website also has their own blog too. It's a pretty neat blog which contains postings on maintaining your site. Every bit of help counts

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2nd Birthday

It's my birthday! It's my birthday! I'm officially 2 years old. I'm a toddler and I'm 100% going through the 'terrible twos' stage and I love every moment of it. I have my own toddler computer, a tricycle and a new sippy cup. Life is good. Thanks to Gee Gee for the rocking chair, and Grandma and Grandpa for the fishes, and Mommy and Daddy for my own alphabet computer.

It became the family business to finish the skyscraper chocolate shake we had.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Last weekend was really really windy. Mommy thought this would be a good time to fly my kite. It wasn't really that bad but I think Mommy and Daddy had more fun flying the kite. Hmmpphh! I thought it was my kite. So much for sharing it with Mommy and Daddy. After a few temper tantrums, crying and I finally got to hold my kite for a while. Daddy was yelling something about keeping the kite up in the air. I finally gave up and went running around the huge field trying to find rocks (Rocks are officially my favorite hobby right now).

Making sure the kite stay up in the air. Hard at work!

"I want my kite back now!"

"Here Daddy, Let me help you hold the string."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Best of Time

Mother's Day is coming up here really soon. I'm already running out of ideas on what to get Mommy for Mother's Day this year. I was looking around the world wide web and found is absolutely delightful website for watches ( They had some of the most beautiful watches. I'm sure I can find a really nice one for Mommy. Mommy will sure treasure the watch forever and ever. The watches definitely are priced very reasonable compared to what you might find at the stores or malls. They also have a section for fine jewelry. Maybe I can find there instead. Something that Mommy will always remember that I gave Mommy something special and wonderful.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I attended my first ever wedding ceremony. It was one of Mommy and Daddy's friends. I liked the excitement a lot. It was fun flirting with the girls. Dancing was fun too. Mommy thought I had way too much fun that day.

Family picture before all the excitement started.

Giving Mommy the look hoping Mommy might stop taking pictures.

Daddy thought I was such a poser with girls. Got to be on my best behaviour in front of girls, right?

My current favorite word while taking pictures "Cheese" with a cheeky grin.

I hid under the piano for some quiet time. Too many girls too little time. Need to rethink my moves.

"Here! Let me help you find that lost earring or whatever is that you think just needs to be found right now."

"Yeah! It was that spot. Don't go there. It's just to dangerous."

"Break time. Need to replenish my energy."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cruiser Customizing

Spring weather is finally here. Time for outdoor activities. Let all the fun stuff begin :) Did you know that long time ago Daddy had a really cool motorcycle and used to ride it around? I think it's still somewhere in Daddy's home in Drexel. I think it's time Daddy brought it out and we had some fun. motorcycle community offers a variety of things from helmets, jackets and accessories. I'm thinking we get really cool matching helmets and jackets for the ride. It'll be so much fun riding with Daddy. There are just so many accessories we can get for the motorcycle. I can't wait to go shopping with Daddy on this.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random Stuff

Random pictures of me from the last few weeks. Most of the pictures were taken from Mommy's camera phone.

Giving Mommy the cheeky smile in the mornings.

Daddy and me giving Mommy the smile while having lunch. Mommy calls it the 'Happy Father-Son moment'.

The cool dude at the park swinging away.

I'm all ready for my vacation.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rustic Furniture

Mommy said I'm almost ready to have my own bedroom. I get to pick my very own bedroom furniture. rustic furniture has some pretty neat bedroom furniture. I liked this Double/Single Left ladder White Cedar Log Bunk Bed very much. It seems like a neat idea. I know I still have to share my room when Ayya or Aya come over to visit. I get to sleep up and they get to sleep down. It sounds like so much I get to climb up to my bed every night. It's camping every night in my very own log bunk bed. It just sounds so exciting.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More Snow

We had more snow over the weekend. It was fun this time. Well, almost fun. Didn't really enjoy the sledding part after what had happened the last time. Daddy remembered and took me down a much safer hill but I think it was still a long way down there. I did like building the snowman with Daddy. That was a lot of fun. Mommy hopes the snow is done for the season and we don't have to see anymore snow till end of this year. We had about 7-8 inches of snow this time around.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Real Estate

It just snowed again here in Overland this weekend. We had about 8-9 inches of snow. We're still having snow in Spring??? Something is just not right here. Mommy and Daddy had just gotten me an early birthday present - a tricycle. Daddy thought it would be for me to take my bike out during the nice weather. I think we need to think about relocating somewhere else where the weather is always nice and sunny. Arizona relocation here offers some really nice real estate. I wouldn't mind the nice and sunny weather all year round. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to play outside everyday??

Friday, March 13, 2009


It snowed in March. We had almost 6-7 inches of snow. I had my first ever sledding experience. It was fun and it was a lot of snow. I think I might try doing it again if it ever snow again. So much snow so little time. Need more snow! Need more snow! I think Mommy didn't really enjoy snow this late in the winter. I like snow. Dressing up getting ready to go out isn't that fun though. Too much layers to wear.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

File Extension

File extension is usually something that describes the file type. Have you ever had a file with and extension you really didn't know what sort of application to use when you're opening it?? vob is a type of file extension. They are vue objects that are used to open DVD videos. There are so many extension and so many different applications that can be used to open each and every type of extension. Luckily there is this website that I've found really helps. This website has a pretty comprehensive database of all the extensions and the required application need to open/run it. It also explains what they mean and how they work. Doesn't that make life just a little easier?


Here are some pictures of my first ever haircut at the kids hair salon. It's a store that specializes in hair cuts for kids.

I'm really not complaining here. I got a sucker a.k.a lollipop and got to watch tv. I also got to sit in this really cool looking race car.

Mommy is always too busy taking pictures of everything. I mean I'm getting my haircut. Does everyone have to know about it?????

The after picture with Daddy. I liked the classic car.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Tax season is here. Time to find that right accountant to file your taxes. I'm sure you don't want to miss out on any deductions or stimulus. Daddy used this tax filing website to find coupons to cut costs. Hiring an accountant isn't cheap and doing it yourself wasn't an option in our house. Mommy says it's too complicated and is afraid she might miss out on something important deductable. Daddy thought this website tax filing was a good option to find an accountant. We did find some really good ones and used them to save some cash. The economy isn't doing too well. Always finding ways to cut cost right?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Duckie & Me

Last weekend was really really nice. Well, Saturday was good weather. Sunday was a little too cold for me. Mommy and Daddy took me out to the park again this weekend. I got to ride my duckie again. It was fun. I didn't get a video of it though. Sorry.

Mommy has finally managed to make me say the word 'Please'. I had been refusing to say that word for the longest time. I mean why, right? I've also figure out that I only want Daddy to give me showers. Mommy doesn't really like when I throw temper fits. I like to roll on the floor and scream (Sounds familiar, anyone?) I think Mommy and Daddy are embarrassed when I do this. Mommy, you're not a bad Mommy, ok? I just like testing you out on various stuff. I need to figure out my limitations.

Should I be getting a hair cut? Mommy is very sad to cut my hair. Mommy thinks my curls (ehem! curls are for girls) are too gorgeous to be cut away. Daddy disagrees. Daddy think boys should have short hair. Mommy said they day some call me a 'pretty girl' is the day I'll get my haircut.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Summer time is the time for paintball. I can't wait to check it out. I know I'm little too young but I know Daddy loves to paintball all the time when he was young. I know he has a paintball gun somewhere in the house. I need to so search for it. I wonder where it would be???

I overheard that Daddy would be needing some paintball gears really soon. I should start shopping for some for him then.

21 Months

How is everyone? I'm sorry I know I've kind of disappeared from the blogging scene for a while now. Things just have been so chaotic since Christmas. Christmas was good. I received a lot of toys. Thank you to everyone who gave me presents. I liked my new tees from Malaysia which only arrived last week. Talk about the post being slow. It took nearly 4 months to get here.

I almost going to be two in a few months. I can't wait. I'm not looking forward to the responsibilities that come with it but the fun stuff. Spring/Summer is the best time ever to be out playing. Last year I was too small to enjoy the park and stuff like that. This year it will be more fun with my neighbour Nick.

I'm learning to talk back more. Mommy doesn't like much. Sometimes Mommy says I talk too much. I can almost name all my body parts in two different languages. I'm so proud of myself. I'm still learning other things.

I love to test Mommy out to the limits. I think it's so much fun. You should just see her expression when I say 'No' all the time. I think it makes Mommy really mad. I never agree with Mommy on anything. I mean why should I right?

I can also partially count and name some alphabets. There are so many numbers and 26 alphabets. It might take me forever to figure them out. Daddy got smart and got me some numbers/alphabets singing toys to help make the learning a little easier. Hope the trick works.

I'll try and blog a little more often. The weather is definitely improving and getting better. Maybe one of these days I'll get Mommy to take a video of so I can name all my body parts. Have a good Valentines Days everyone.