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Thursday, August 30, 2007

4-4-4-4 (Mommy's Post) Tag

Mommy has been tagged again. This time it's by Nunu's Mommy. Mommy says sorry for the late posting. She's been busy with me. I keep Mommy busy 24/7.

Four Jobs In My (Mommy's) Life:
Being a Mommy /On-Demand Milk Supplier to Vikram
Being a Wife to Vikram's Daddy (It's a full time job)
Consulting Jobs at various property firms in Malaysia
Waking up people at ungodly hours via telephone to do surveys while studying in Australia (to earn money to pay for school)

Four countries I've (Mommy) been on Vacation:

Four of my (Mommy's) favorite food:
Malaysian - anything is fine
Indian - anything is fine
Mexican - Burritos
Chinese - anything is fine

Four places I'd (Mommy) rather be now:
With Vikram and Daddy
Soaking in beautiful beach at watching the sunrise/sunset
Back home in KL eating at the mamak stalls
Shopping for clothes

Four friends to tag:
OK people. Mommy is tired (seriously). Once in a while if she gets tagged I'll be nice and let her use my blog but not all the time. So Mommy has decided to tag anyone who might be interested in getting tagged (I'm sure I didn't understand what Mommy tried saying there).


  1. it's fun to hear mommy's side of the story once in a while, baby! tell mommy aunty says thanks for doing the tag, yah?

  2. thanks Nunu's Mommy. I tried telling Mommy that but Mommy wasn't in a good mood that day. Now that she's started working part-time she's even more busy these days.
